I hunt a free & delicous font.

I dedicated my self to hunt a free font for my self...

Latest Font

the background image is made by rosie apps art check her out at http://www.rosieapps.com/ and like her on facebook .

She is awesome.
I have to crop her beautiful illustration  in here unfortunately :( (if you want to enjoy her full illustration, click here :http://www.rosieapps.com/userimages/Rosie_Apps_Art_Bondi_Map.jpg

but her sense of color is so vibrant and beautiful. definitely check her out.

anyway, let's get back to the font, its so doodle like, it's cute. The most important letter is almost complete, unfortunately, there is no difference between the capitalized letter and small letter. But still awesome!!

DK Kwark by David Kerkhoff

I know it looks like another ordinary script font, but I really, really love the capital "A". it's so fabulous
Austie Bost Rest of Our Lives by Austie Bost Fonts

K22 Didoni Font by Toto ANSI Characters
it's incomplete, but it' is a fancy character :)

K22 Didoni by Toto

Typomoderno by G3Typefaces ANSI Characters
Looks Clean, awesome, and even if its a bit incomplete, you can always tweak some symbol :)

Typomoderno by G3Typefaces

Budmo by Typodermic Fonts ANSI Characters
The ANSI is complete, it's good. The capital letter & lowercase letter has no difference, and there is a couple of letter that are not having the fancy in it, but it will be rare to use those letter in word, except the trademark and the copyright.


Budmo by Typodermic Fonts

Capture it Font by Magique Fonts ANSI Character
The ANSI is complete, it's good. But  the capital letter & lowercase letter almost has no difference, except the "B" letter.


Capture it by Magique Fonts

Stencil Brush by TattooWoo ANSI characters
Sadly the ANSI characters are not complete, and the capital letter & lowercase letter is not different.


Stencil Brush by TattooWoo

Clear Line Font by Måns Grebäck

ANSI characters
Sadly the ANSI characters are not complete


Clear Line by Måns Grebäck

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